Caelus Duotone Icon Pack APK

Caelus Duotone Icon Pack app, screenshot 1
Caelus Duotone Icon Pack app, screenshot 2
Caelus Duotone Icon Pack app, screenshot 3
Caelus Duotone Icon Pack app, screenshot 4

Caelus Duotone icon pack is a set of high quality colorful linear duotone icons (linear icons with semi-transparent solid details). Pack goes really well with dark or amoled wallpapers so we suggest to use it with dark setups.

  • 3495 icons;
  • 20 wallpapers;
  • 6 KWGT widgets;
  • Alternate icons for a lot of popular apps;
  • Dynamic calendar icon;
  • Masking of unthemed icons;
  • Folders icons (must apply them manually);
  • Miscellaneous icons (must apply them manually).
Android 7.0 and up
What's new

10 new icons.

Caelus Duotone Icon Pack APK for Android

Download Patched APK, v4.8.0
Download filecaelus-duotone-icon-pack-v4.8.0.apk37 MB