Calorie Counter by Lose It MOD APK

Lose It MOD APK is a calorie counter & food diary diet app that helps you stick to your diet and achieve weight loss that fits. Set your goals and track your diet, food and exercises to lose weight.
- Barcode Scanner: quickly scan food barcodes or search our database to track your carb, macro and calorie intake;
Snap It: want to know your carb count? Log food by simply taking a photo of your food. Just tap the camera icon for food tracking and calorie counting in a snap; - Track Nutrients: track more than just calories including macro, protein, water, carb, sugar, body measurements, sleep cycles, and more. Stay on top of your keto, vegan or vegetarian diet needs! Learn what nutrients you need along your weight loss journey;
- Fitness App Syncs: connect trackers, apps, and devices like Fitbit trackers, Misfit trackers, Garmin trackers, Withings scales, Google Fit, Healthkit, and more;
- Meal Planning & Targets: meal targets help you calculate suggested macro, carb, protein and overall calorie intake;
- Patterns: learn about your food and calorie intake habits with our exclusive personal insights to identify what is hindering or helping your weight loss progress;
- Recipes: customize your diet and weight loss journey with breakfast, lunch, and dinner meals you create yourself. Find easy food recipes for your Keto diet, vegan diet, vegetarian diet, Whole 30, or any diet.
Android 5.0 and up
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We made some quick fixes to make sure things are running smoothly.
Calorie Counter by Lose It unlocked MOD APK for Android
Download MOD Premium unlocked, v14.5.000
lose-it-calorie-counter-premium-v14.5.000.apk | 110 MB |